Raven Alita

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Website up

So I finally convinced my boyfriend to setup a sub root so I could post my own stuff on web. It is up and running and you can access it here www.heyland.net/raven/.

In unrelated news, my sisters friend is really doing the Mongolian Rally (http://www.newyorkistan.org/) and anyone that will be in Manhattan on June 29th should go to their fundraiser and donate. Keep Audrey and Paul safe! You can also read about them online in an article here.

They also have a blog so you can keep up with the goings ons at Mongolian Rally!

Alas I must get back to writting papers, this so sucks!

ciao baby - raven

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

An introduction

Well this is a new one for me, blogging. I'm mostly doing this because I have so many photos I want to share with family and friends and my boyfriend never has time to put them on the website ;)

I'm a 35 year old female living in Baltimore and working in Washington, DC. I do software testing and network management for a customizable database company.

I worked for eleven years for a Police Department and then left and went back to school to learn computers. I soon got a job and have now gone back part-time to college to finish a degree. I'm currently taking online classes with Kaplan University and hope to finish my Associates Degree next spring. I would like to take my Bachelor's classes "on campus" as I really like that format best.